Tuesday, March 19, 2013

It’s Official! Cannabinoids Kill All Types of Cancer — State of Globe

It’s Official! Cannabinoids Kill All Types of Cancer — State of Globe
clip from article:

Toke Signals with Steve Elliott | Worth Repeating: It’s Official! Cannabinoids Kill All Types of Cancer
. – I have never tried anything related to drugs myself, but still what is told here about marijuana is so dramatic that I could not resist publishing it. The UK company GW Pharmaceuticals has received the medical patent covering all plant-based phytocannabinoids, for use in the treatment and prevention of basically all forms of human cancer.

I could choose to make a long article about this or I could let the article by Steve Elliott, linked above speak for itself. Even though I have been against drugs I decided to let Elliott share his knowledge, even here on State of Globe. The reason is simple. My whole life I have spoken out against drugs, but I have at the same time read article upon article and seen videos about the alleged healing powers of marijuana in particular. At the same time I have seen that the pharmaceutical industry has a long story of fighting alternatives to their patented and usually very costly solutions. A year or so ago I also saw that chemotherapy used against cancer is found to spread the cancer, even though it may kill the main tumor. The whole concept of fighting cancer has a growing credibility problem.
One out of three get help [ read more at link]

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